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Abbas Kamangar

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My family’s, Kamangar, association with paintings is 400 years old and members of my family had been commissioned artist for the Rajas and Maharajas of royal court of Kutch. Morbi Gujarat India and later even of Sindh, Pakistan.


Jan.1996 group show “1” anniversary celebration” exhibition of painting by the member artists of fine arts
Society at arts council of pakistan karachi.

1996 participated in arts festival arts council of pakistan karachi

1996 participated in sadequain award at galerie sadequain karachi

Nov.1996 group show “three we known artist” at pearl continental hotel karachi

Jul.1997 group show “2nd anniversary painting exhibition by member artists of fine arts society” at galerie sadequain karachi

Aug.1997 group show “50 years of pakistan art exhibition painting and sculpture” at arts council of pakistan karachi

Dec.1997 group show exhibition of painting show “50 years golden jubilee celebration “at arts council of
pakistan karachi

1997 group show pakistan golden jubilee anniversary
painting exhibition at lahore arts council of pakistan

Apr.1998 received best painting award in group show “artists of karachi” painting exhibition at galerie sadequain

1998 participated in sadequain award at galerie sadequain karachi

Aug.1998 portrait painting on spot in art festival at arts
council of pakistan karachi

June.1999 group show at alliance francaose de karachi

aug.1999 received best drawing award in spot drawing competition “moving lines’ at arts council of pakistan karachi

Nov.1999 group show,paintings of pakistan “millennium show”
at arts council of pakistan karachi

Feb.2000 group show of water colorist at funkar art gallery karachi

2000 group painting show in tucson arizona usa

Aug.2001 group show at galerie sadequain karachi

Dec.2001 group calligraphy painting exhibition at galerie
sadequain karachi

June.2002 group show quaid-i-azam portrait at pakistan national council of the arts islamabad

June.2002 group show at pak virsa art gallery defence karachi

Aug.2002 group calligraphy painting exhibition at galerie sadequain karachi

Sep.2002 group show of paintings at co-opera art gallery, lahore

Dec.2002 group show of water colorists “color in troubled waters at co-opera art gallery, lahore

Dec.2002 group show at national sailing centre,clifton karachi

Mar.2003 group show of water colorists at co-opera art gallery,lahore

Apr.2005 group show paintings at co-opera art gallery, lahore

Sep.2007 1st international art exhibition at gallery sadequain

Apr.2008 group show of paintings at co-opera art gallery, lahore

Mar. 2009 group show “art for health” (dowites) at alliance francaise karachi.

Mov. 2010 group show at vision art gallery, karachi.

Apr.2011 group show at epic art gallery , defence, karachi.

May. 2011 group show at karachi school of arts gallery, karachi.

Jul. 2011 water color goup show at fine arts pakistan gallery, karachi.

Jun. 2012 group show “art for health” (dowites) at ocean art gallery, karachi

Abbas Kamangar have paint many subjects of society and life he is first Pakistan’s artist who made plien air/spot painting tour of 5 cities of Pakistan, Mulatan, Bhawalpur, Faisalabad, Lahore and Peshawar and made life/spot painting in these cities and now these days he is painting his most favorite subject that is sofism in which he is associated since 1996. He says regarding his affiliations with sufism that, ‘’ there is love, peace and colors of friendship in these paintings. During the work on this subject I traveled and reached in an un-known world and these feelings penetrate through particular colors and brush strokes in my painting on the canvas. It can feel and see in my paintings.’’ Paintings of Abbas Kamangar enchantments and convey massages of love, peace and friendship to the art lover and viewers.